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Biggest Losers Turn Out To Be Winners!

If you’ve followed us for the past three months, you already know a few of our enthusiastic staff members took on a challenge to live a better lifestyle and shed some pounds. The team lost a total of 117 pounds to date. Awesome! We wanted to know what inspired the top “losers” to keep them on course:

Lisa from our Call Center lost 9 ½% of her body weight. Her goal is to be healthier overall and the SOA physical therapy team kept her moving on the treadmill. Lisa bought a special dress for her daughter’s wedding in October and is committed to fitting into that gorgeous gown. He husband was a wonderful support partner by cooking healthy dinners and the SOA staff continually sent Lisa positive vibes on her journey to making healthy choices.

Robin, our Business Office Director, didn’t find the challenge hard at all. Good for you Robin! Mind over matter? She was already active, but not focused or dedicated with a goal. She felt she was able to stay on course by looking in the mirror and seeing the inspirational difference every day. During the challenge, Robin lost 8% of her body weight and has continued to achieve a 15% loss. Robin’s husband is incredibly supportive in the way they eat every day by cooking with health in mind.

Ale, also in our Call Center, found the hardest part of the challenge was staying on course. She lost over 7% of her body weight by keeping her eye on the goal … her upcoming October wedding. Ale looks great but says she still has a bit more to lose and is paying more attention to what she eats.

Dianne E, in our business office, says the hardest challenge for her was fixing meals for her family who were not dieting. She is motivated to be more physically active with her grandchildren. Dianne feels she still has a long way to get to her goal weight and is motivated to continue for her own well-being. Her advice? Set small goals along the way instead of one large one. There is more satisfaction each time you hit your mark!

These were our top four winners in our #TeamSOA Biggest Loser Challenge and it was inspirational to see them support each other on the journey. Those of us not officially in the challenge still managed to drop a couple pounds after being encouraged by these ladies. It prompted us to stop and think about the little things: Do I really want that cookie? Should I take the stairs instead of the elevator? How hungry will I be later if I skip breakfast? How many more steps can I fit in if I park at the far end of the parking lot?

At Sarasota Orthopedic Associates we are committed to our staff as well as our patients. We are so proud to watch our work family travel this road to better health. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The first wealth is health”. What about you? Have you done something wonderful for yourself lately?

Pictured: Ale, Lisa, Robin

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