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Can Trigger Finger Go Away On Its Own?

Can Trigger Finger Go Away On Its Own?

A disorder of the tendons in your hand and their ability to move freely, the colorfully named trigger finger may affect any finger or thumb. It can sometimes leave a patient looking like they’re pulling the trigger on an invisible pistol. 

The problem is inflammation in and around the tendons that connect the bones of your fingers with the muscles that move them. Affected fingers become stiff and difficult or impossible to move on their own, creating pain when you try. 

The hand, wrist, and elbow specialists at 360 Orthopedics can help you recover normal finger movement, free of pain, when you’re suffering from trigger finger, including those rare cases that require surgery. 

However, trigger finger often goes away independently with rest and conservative care. Here’s what you need to know about the condition that doctors call stenosing tenosynovitis. 

How finger tendons work

Tendons provide the linkage between muscle and bone. As you move a finger, muscle contraction pulls the tendon, which is surrounded by a sheath, pulling the finger bone in the direction of the contraction. 

Problems start when inflammation affects either a tendon or its sheath. The tendon can no longer slide freely within the sheath, causing trigger finger pain and stiffness and its characteristic bent-finger appearance. 

Recognizing the signs

As well as the locked position of affected fingers, you might experience: 

Jobs and tasks that require frequent strong hand gripping can increase the risk of trigger finger. Playing an instrument, playing racket sports, working with tools, farming, or gardening can all create conditions that lead to trigger finger. 

Can trigger finger go away on its own? 

Yes, trigger finger can heal without medical intervention. One study saw over half of test subjects overcoming trigger finger without treatment within eight months of the start of the study period. 

Conservative care can also speed the recovery process in many cases. Treating the pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen and naproxen, controls both pain and swelling. Taking a break from tasks that stress your hands can also help to relieve your symptoms. 

When you can’t fully rest your hands, wearing splints can provide support while holding your fingers in open positions. Physical therapy for your hands also brings back comfortable mobility to trigger fingers. 

Call or click to connect with the nearest location of 360 Orthopedics when home care for trigger finger isn’t enough. We’re standing by and ready to help.

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