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The Forgotten Secrets of ACV

As part of our 12 week series of the Sarasota Orthopedic Associates Biggest Loser Challenge, some of our staff are sharing their own health tips. As with any new regimen, it’s always best to check with your physician first. This week, Dani Walsh, from our Call Center tells us how apple cider vinegar helped her on her fitness quest. Read about it here:

Apple Cider Vinegar, or ACV, has been consumed for 5,000 years. The health benefits are endless and it is a natural alternative for many things.

I discovered apple cider vinegar when I was pregnant and was in great need of help for indigestion. DO NOT drink it straight, it is quite worse than you can imagine! YUCK. Mix with water and or honey and it will be the perfect solution. It immediately helped relieve my indigestion.

After this success, I began looking for more uses. Through research, I discovered ACV has antifungal and antibacterial properties. My 1½ year old daughter had a rash break out around her lips (most likely from teething and all of that slobber.). I diluted ACV with water and washed the area … next morning it was less red and started to disappear!

Another experiment I tried: I’m not able to drink coffee right now and sought an alternative energy boost. I can now attest that ACV is my go-to boost! One Tablespoon and in some water in the morning and I feel completely energized within 30 minutes. It’s been a life saver and a healthy one at that. Prepare to be amazed at all of the uses I’ve discovered:

IMPORTANT: There are different types of ACV and the one that causes these effects is the ACV labeled with the “mother” (raw and unfiltered) and containing brown clumps. These may not look enticing, however those clumps reflect good bacteria ready to promote your health. Some “mother” brands are Earth Origins, Whole foods, Bragg, or a local health food store brand. Remember to always consult with your physician before incorporating a new treatment; everyone reacts differently. Apple Cider Vinegar … now you know the forgotten health secrets.

The staff at Sarasota Orthopedic Associates is committed to get our patients back on their feet, back to work, back in the game, and back to life. We have four locations and offer same day appointments when needed.

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